Foundation Plan

Co-Founders: Richard and Hastings Puckett

Description of the Foundation:

Puckett Serves is a foundation sponsored by Puckett Machinery Company (PMC) for its employees, which is dedicated to serving people in need in both our local communities and abroad. It is a faith based non-denominational foundation whose services and activities will be done in the name of Christ and for His glory. The foundation will sponsor numerous service activities for PMC employees.  Participation in foundation activities will be voluntary. The foundation will provide the financial resources for these activities and PMC’s employee volunteers will provide the labor.

The foundation will focus primarily on serving (action) so that it can fill the needs and more importantly to get more people (employees) involved and exposed to Christ. To a lesser degree, the foundation will make financial contributions to support various worthy organizations, functions, etc.


Reason for founding Puckett Serves Foundation:

Puckett Machinery has been a blessing to the entire Puckett family. As a result, we believe it is our duty and responsibility to use these blessings to serve the Lord. The family has a desire to use its blessings in the way we believe God intended them to be used to glorify His name. We recognize and believe that but for God’s grace, we could be the ones in need of help. Those in need are no different than us; we simply were born into different circumstances by no control of our own.

Like the Puckett Family, PMC’s employees have been blessed as well. Many of them are Christians who wish to serve those in need but may be limited by time, resources, and/or opportunities. Puckett Serves will help provide opportunities including time and resources for those wishing to serve.

An important aspect of the work of the foundation is to have Christian employees share, through service, the joy of following Jesus Christ. Our hope is that this witness will be evident to all those we encounter.


Mission Statement:

The mission of Puckett Serves is to be the hands and feet of God by using our God-given talents and blessings to serve those in need. In doing so, we will spread the Good News of Christ with those who do not yet believe.


Objectives of the Foundation:

  1. Provide service, (not just money) to those in need in our local community.
  2. Introduce Christ to those who do not know Him, both at Puckett Machinery and to those we serve.
  3. Support and promote employee involvement and service through their respective churches.
  4. Support and promote employee participation in church sponsored mission trips.



Initially (2009) Puckett Serves will focus on service projects and ministry in the Jackson Metro community and with Jackson PMC employees. Upon successful startup and operation in Jackson, the foundation will be expanded to other PMC locations and their local communities.

The foundation will channel its focus towards those in need in the local communities of the respective Puckett Machinery locations and in supporting the participation of PMC employees on qualified mission trips. It will also provide resources to approved faith-based projects our employees are involved in through their respective churches or faith-based organizations.

With the exception of sponsoring mission trip participation, national and international “needs” will be out of scope in order to keep our service focused, visible, effective, and not diluted.


Foundation Employee Meetings

Puckett Serves will hold a minimum of one “Employee Meeting” per quarter. These meetings will be open to all PMC employees and their spouses. At these meetings a meal will be served to all who attend.  Additionally, we will host a keynote speaker to talk to the group on a topic related to our mission. We will invite the directors or other volunteers of some of the shelters and places where our services are needed. We will discuss Puckett Serves upcoming events, opportunities and needs. These meetings will likely be held at 5:30 pm at Oakwood Farm unless other times or locations are deemed to generate greater participation. Spouses of PMC employees are welcome (and encouraged) to attend these meetings.


Employee Rewards:

The foundation recognizes the key to achieving its objectives is getting significant participation by its employees. Specifically, the greater the participation the more effective the foundation can be towards each of its four (4) key objectives. To facilitate significant participation, PMC will provide the following employee benefits for employees participating in Puckett Serves sponsored events:

For every four (4) hours served by a PMC employee on a Puckett Serves sponsored activity, that employee will receive (2) hours vacation time.

PMC will provide up to (5)* days of additional paid vacation for service on ”approved” mission trips or other faith-based activities sponsored by local churches or faith-based organizations.

Employees participating in Puckett Serves sponsored events during regular business hours will be paid their normal wages while serving.

Employees already receiving 3 weeks’ vacation time may only receive (2) extra vacation days for service on “approved” mission trips.

An employee may receive a maximum of (5) extra vacation days through Puckett Serves sponsored activities

Note: Employee rewards will be reviewed regularly and are subject to enhancement or change without notice. Further, while serving during business hours is supported and encouraged, supervisory approval must be received in advance.


Puckett Serves Foundation Governance:

The board will be appointed by the founders. Board Members will serve 2-year terms and may be reappointed. (*Founders will be permanent Board Members)


Initial Board of Directors:

Richard Puckett – Chairman of the Board, Co-Founder

Hastings Puckett – Co-Founder



John Chesney – Local Missions Coordinator

The Foundation Board will meet monthly and more frequently if needed as determined by the Chairman. The Foundation Board Meeting will be held every TBD of the month.


Board Positions:

Treasurer will be responsible for all the financial functions of the Foundation. The Treasurer will maintain the accounting books of the foundation and be responsible for all inflows and outflows of cash.

Secretary will be responsible for recording and documenting all activities performed by the Foundation. Further, the Secretary will be responsible for tracking employee participation at Foundation sponsored events.

Local Missions Coordinator(s) will be the primary contact with the various organizations the foundation serves and will coordinate these activities. They may appoint a “steering committee” or “co-coordinator” to assist with these responsibilities.


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